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Are you someone who love trees & woods? We are are looking for children and young people willing to share their love for trees & woodland habitats.

We want to hear from young people from all around the world who love trees, woodlands and forests.

No matter what age or where you are, your passion for nature is what matters.

Interview a friend online, a family member at home or get a friend to interview you. Or you can just speak freely by answering all the questions alone as a solo recording. It's completely up to you!

Email us a voice recording in between 1minute to 10minutes long. Audio only.

The voice recording may last between 1 minute and 10 minutes long, it's completely your choice. The interview does not have to last for a full 10 minutes. We leave extra time to ease any pressure when recording, to keep it natural. Recording is pretty easy with a smart phone and it doesn't take long. It's really up to you how much effort you put in to this.

Speak for yourself, interview a family member or a friend online. You have between 1 minute to 10 minutes time. We leave plenty of extra time in, so you feel no pressure when recording.

"What if I make a mistake when recording?"

We are not interested in the voice recording being perfect. If you laugh whilst doing it, that's okay too. Just calmly reword yourself and continuing flowing, like you are having a good chat speaking about something you are passionate about. Be natural with no made up voices please, just be yourself.

Get creative, speak from the heart and don't worry if you stumble or make any mistakes. Just repeat what you wish to say and we can edit any mistakes out. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, worry about it being too perfect or what others may think. People will be very happy to hear young people speaking about their love for trees. We all need some positive vibes in our lives right now. Nature makes humans happy! We only wish to hear about your love for trees & woodlands and how much being around them means to you.

If you wish to practise your answers before recording, feel free to do this.

If you feel that you can speak without practise, then this is great too!

Email recording to:

Interview questions:

What do you love most about trees & woods?

Why you believe trees are important?

Why do you enjoy being in the woods?

Why do you think trees & forests should be protected?

We are collecting the voices of young people from different communities, all around the world for a new show on trees & woods.

You can be anywhere on the earth and be any age to do this, all you need is love for nature and possibly adult assistance, that's if you are very young and may need support with recording.

If you are speaking for yourself by creating a solo recording, you may answer by responding with:

"What I love most about trees & woodlands is...."

"I believe trees are important because..."

"I enjoy being in the woods because..."

"I believe trees & woodlands should be protected because..."

How can I create a voice recording?

You may record on your mobile phone if there is a voice recording app on it, most smart phones have them included. On iPhone or Samsung phones search for a "voice memo" app, it's easy to record and share. Otherwise download a voice recording app for free on to your device from the App Store.

Recording solo or with a family member at home

On an iPhone or Samsung smart phone, look for "voice memos"or a "voice recorder" Or download a free voice recording app from an App store.

Interviewing a friend

You may set up an online meeting with a friend and ask them the interview questions, or maybe get them to interview you. There are free apps you can download to create online meetings such as Zoom.

Remember we just need audio only, not video. Get an adult at home to help you out if need be, that's what grown ups are there for! Ask them to help you download Zoom onto a phone, laptop or computer and get interviewing!

You may learn how to download a free app called Zoom if you wish to interview a friend online.

Many of us are isolated from friends and family right now. The technologies we have today may be used as tools. This is a good opportunity to get productive and get talking to your connections.


Please do not send us any video recordings as we only require audio for radio.

You may use the Zoom app for free for two people to record a free audio meeting. It automatically converts the file after you close the meeting and a voice recording file will appear on your hard drive.

How do I send the recording?

A smaller file (from 1 minute to 5minutes long) can be sent via email.

Email the recording to:

If you are having trouble sending the audio recording via email. The file might be too large to email, in this case use a free site called WeTransfer to email over any larger files, however, it should work via email.

I don't wish to use my real name on radio

You are not obliged to share any personal details. This is down to personal preference and choice.

We only wish to hear your true sounding voice (no made up voices please) and your passion for trees, woods & forests.

You may share first name only, age and location, providing parents/guardians are happy for you to do so. You may even make up a name if you wish. Use your imagination and think of any animals that live in woods or forests. Make sure this particular radio name has some kind of nature-like sound to it. One of my personal favourite nature names is "Curly Bamboo." Because I have curly hair and love bamboo! Feel free to make up your own.

Why should I take part?

Many of the ancient trees and woodlands in the UK are being cut down for business reasons. This has always been the way but when will it all end? When there are no ancient trees & woods left? We have under 2% of ancient woodland left in the UK and once it's all gone, we cannot get it back. Ancient woodland habitats are irreplaceable and business men have forgotten the true value of the natural world. Maybe if many young people speak up about how important nature is to them (which they already are globally) business people might be able to hear or listen up there in their big towers!

"I speak for the trees" - the Lorax

Technology has bought many wonderful advances to the human race and we may use these tools to the best of our abilities. However, it's important to find a balance between the modern and natural world, the real world.

Speaking positively about trees, woods & wildlife helps to spread the love of nature. Remember that love always conquers fear. Maybe children voices united can send a ripple to people who have forgotten the true value of trees and forests. Maybe voices of the next generation collectively; can remind others what nature truly means to us all.

Never lose hope and keep standing for what you believe in.

Don't under estimate the ripple effects you may create with the power of your voice.

Young people are the voices of the future, it's about time we started listening to them and providing opportunities for them to share their thoughts and beliefs. No one wants to grow up in a world where trees, woods and forests were not around. How boring would that be?

The Environment & Conservation Show on UK Health Radio was set up to give young people & communities on the ground a voice and a platform to raise awareness. Let's speak up for trees and woodlands together.

More power to the trees.

Voices of the People on the Environment & Conservation Show

Voices of the People is a platform where members of the public can take part to share personal opinions & views on selected topic focusing around the natural world. We gather a collective of audio recordings from people from different walks of life. The show becomes collaborative of various people sharing personal views on the same topic.

Wildeye Adventures presents the Environment & Conservation Show on UK Health Radio

Wildeye Adventures presents the Environment & Conservation Show on the online health radio platform UK Health Radio. The Environment & Conservation show raises awareness on environment, conservation, nature connection, eco-living, rewilding, regeneration, sustainable development, indigenous knowledge and climate action.


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