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Image by Aldebaran S


Image by Guillermo Ferla

Wildeye Adventures & Astronomy Adventures UK Present: A Galactic Night Under the Stars

Join us for an extraordinary stargazing experience designed for both adults and children (ages 6+), offering a rare opportunity to explore the wonders of the night sky.

Spend the evening immersed in astronomy, learning about star navigation, constellations, the moon, planets, nebulas, and distant galaxies—all observed through state-of-the-art, high-tech telescopes operated by professional astronomers.

If you’re a sky watcher, star gazer, or passionate about space, this event is your chance to look beyond our world and into the vastness of the cosmos.

What to Expect

🔭 Guided telescope viewing—observe celestial wonders through advanced telescopes
🌙 Live astronomy presentation—learn fascinating facts about the moon, planets, and deep space
🔥 Communal bonfire—a cozy gathering point to keep warm throughout the night
🍵 Hot drinks provided—help yourself to a selection of herbal teas and hot chocolate
🎟 Raffle & prizes—enter on arrival for a chance to win exciting space-themed goodies

Event Details

📍 Location: A private open field (details provided upon booking)
🕕 Arrival: 6:00 PM
🌌 Departure: Midnight (stay as long as you like)
⛺ Optional overnight camping: Stay until morning for an additional fee

What to Bring

✔ Warm layered clothing
✔ Camp chairs or rugs for seating
✔ Flask or mug for hot drinks
✔ Torch or lantern (please avoid shining lights near the telescopic viewing area)
✔ Tent (optional) for creating a private space or overnight camping


Telescope viewing is best on clear, dark nights, so we will be working around weather conditions and moon cycles for optimal visibility.


An Invitation to Look Up

In our fast-paced modern lives, we often forget to look up. This event is an opportunity to connect with fellow sky enthusiasts, share knowledge, and experience the magic of the cosmos together. Spaces are limited to 25 guests per evening, so secure your place for this unforgettable stargazing adventure! 

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DATE: FRI 7th March & Repeats SAT 8th March 2025
TIME: 6pm to 12am (midnight)

LOCATION: Brasted Chart, Sevenoaks, Kent

Email: for booking & payment details

Image by Patrick Hendry

Weather & Flexibility – Staying Open to the Skies
As this event is highly dependent on weather conditions, we kindly ask all attendees to remain flexible. While we hope for clear skies, unexpected cloud cover may impact visibility.

  • The event will take place on Friday night and will repeat on Saturday evening.

  • Payment covers one evening only. However, if cloud cover prevents telescope viewing during your booked session, you will be welcome to re-book and attend on another available date at no extra cost.

  • We closely monitor weather forecasts and will stay in touch with all registered guests in the lead-up to the event.​


Contingency Plan

  • We require a minimum of 10 guests per evening to run this event. If possible, please share with friends and family who may be interested in joining.

  • If poor weather conditions prevent us from running the event on the scheduled weekend, we will reschedule to a suitable future date.


Remember, you are now a sky chaser - stay open, flexible, and hopeful. This is a rare and extraordinary opportunityto observe planets, galaxies and nebulas through professional telescopes.
We look forward to sharing this once-in-a-lifetime experience with you! 

Image by Andy Holmes


In March, the night sky offers a spectacular view of over 30 different celestial objects through a telescope. Here’s what you may expect to observe:

Introduction – Receive a free star chart & moon map 


Guided tour of the Night sky by laser pointer pointing out interesting objects and telling stories about the sky lore behind some of the constellations.

Zodiac signs what is your Birth sign and can we spot it?



Orion: With its distinct shape and bright stars, Orion is a must-see. Look for Betelgeuse and Rigel.


Star Clusters

Pleiades (M45): A stunning open star cluster in Taurus.


Hyades: Another open cluster in Taurus, near Aldebaran.


Beehive Cluster (M44): An open cluster in the constellation Cancer.


Double Cluster (h & χ Persei): Two open clusters close together in Perseus.


M35: An open cluster in Gemini.


M36, M37, M38: A trio of open clusters in Auriga.



Orion Nebula (M42): A stellar nursery in Orion.


Crab Nebula (M1): A supernova remnant in Taurus.


Rosette Nebula: An emission nebula in Monoceros.


Flame Nebula (NGC 2024): Located near the star Alnitak in Orion.


Horsehead Nebula: A dark nebula in Orion, near Alnitak.




Mars: Visible in the constellation Taurus, showing its reddish hue2.


Venus: Often called the "Evening Star," it’s bright in the western sky.


Jupiter: A giant planet that dominates the night sky.




Andromeda Galaxy (M31): The nearest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way.


Triangulum Galaxy (M33): A spiral galaxy in Triangulum.


Bode’s Galaxy (M81): A spiral galaxy in Ursa Major.


Cigar Galaxy (M82): An irregular galaxy in Ursa Major.


Whirlpool Galaxy (M51): A spiral galaxy in Canes Venatici.



Sirius: The brightest star in the night sky, located in Canis Major.


Betelgeuse: A red supergiant star in Orion.


Rigel: A blue supergiant star in Orion.


Aldebaran: The bright star in Taurus, part of the Hyades cluster.


Procyon: A yellowish-white star in Canis Minor.


Globular Clusters


M3: A globular cluster in Canes Venatici.


M5: A globular cluster in Serpens.


Double Stars

Castor: A bright double star in Gemini.


Algieba (Gamma Leonis): A double star in Leo.


Albireo: A beautiful double star in Cygnus, though visible later in the night


Adults 18+ | £45  
Youth 12+ | £25 
Child 6+ | £15 

Booking Process

To secure your booking, you will be required to complete a booking form and make payment via online bank transfer. Once your booking is confirmed, you will receive an Event Information document with the address and directions.

Your payment allows entrance to attend the event on either Friday (7th) or Saturday (8th). Please let us know which date you're interested in attending to upon booking.


Email for payment & booking details.


We are inviting around 25 guests per evening. 

If you would like to camp in the field or woods overnight - rather than traveling back home late. This can be arranged for an extra fee. Please enquire with us.

Image by Jonny Gios

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Are there any toilets?

There are no toilets on site. You'll need to go into the woods for any wild wees. Please do not leave any tissue paper in the woods, use rubbish bags on site or burn any tissues on the fire. Respecting the environment is a must! There will be a hand washing station and hand sanitiser on site.

What kit shall I bring?

Bring torches and lamps for this night time event. Flasks / mugs for hot drinks. Optional tents, if you wish to create private personal space in the field (for younger children perhaps). Camps chairs. Blankets to keep warm. Rugs / roll matts to sit on. Anything you believe will make your life more comfortable outdoors. 

What clothes do I wear?

You'll be outside for the duration of this event. Please come dressed appropriately, keep warm and layer up. Wear suitable outdoor trainers | boots and thick socks. Gloves, hats & scarves are advised.

Is there any water?

Bring flasks / mugs for hot drinks. There will be hot water, hot chocolate and herbals teas available. 

Can I camp in the field or woods overnight?

If you are concerned about traveling home late at night. You are welcome to camp out in the field using tents overnight and depart before 12pm. There will be camping fees per individual £20 per person. Please enquire with us. 

Where is the location?

You'll be based in an open field on private land. There are woodlands on site you are welcome to wander into for a night time wander, see if you can spot som. Bring a torch! Exact location and address are shared upon booking.

What if it's cloudy or raining?

British weather can be unpredictable and we will be working around weather conditions. We are hoping for clearer skies and aim to give everyone the opportunity to view through the telescope multiple times at different celestial objects. The moon will be crescent around our selected dates, better for outer space viewing.

We will keep an eye on the weather conditions and keep in touch with guests prior to the event. If it's all good to go, we can go ahead with our planned scheduled dates. If in the unlikely case, it suddenly clouds over during your visit and you don't get the opportunity to telescope view. You can return the following evening (on the Saturday / Sunday) free of charge. We'll also have other back up activities on offer, just in case.

In the unfortunate case of poor weather conditions, we may be required to reschedule.  Remember we are working around British weather and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to gaze at planets, nebulas, galaxies and moon craters. 

What will we be viewing through the telescope?

There will be up to two or three telescopes operating during the experience. They will be pointed at different celestial objects at different times during the evening. 

Can I bring my own telescope?

Of course you can. It's the perfect opportunity to put personal telescopes to the test. Plus there will be a professional astronomer on site so you can pick their brains! You'll have to carry it up the field yourself, so bring a trolley to drag it if it's a heavy one.

We are happy to answer any questions if you have any. Please contact us


Connect with us to be added to the mailing list for future events

Image by Atanas Dzhingarov
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Company Number 10502513


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